5 Great Ways to use Coconut Oil
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5 Great Ways to use Coconut Oil

5 Great Ways to use Coconut Oil

You may not know the many uses for coconut oil

It can be used for a lot of things! Not only can you cook with it (because it can be cooked at high heat), and not only does it taste delicious, but the health benefits are astounding!

Coconut oil is great to use in shower as a hair conditioner and as a body moisturizer. Keep it on your nightstand as a moisturizer and use it before you go to bed (it smells so delicious too).  There’s a lot to be said for something that is chemical free that we can use ON our bodies and eat.  It’s even great to use as a facial moisturizer! :-).

Here are 5 great ways you can add coconut oil to some of your recipes!

  1. You can use 1 tsp of coconut oil daily in my morning smoothie.  It will give it a really nice texture!
  2. Coconut oil in raw protein bars! It helps hold them together nicely.
  3. Use coconut oil in treats, i.e. chocolate, chia pudding (for immunity and strength) with a teaspoon of coconut oil  to add smooth creaminess.
  4. Add coconut oil in hot tea with a pinch of raw cacao for a special treat.
  5. Try using coconut oil with cashews and stevia to make a delicious frosting.

There are a lot of ways to use coconut oil there are even more reasons why you should.

Coconut oil has lauric acid, caprylic acid, capric acid.  These acids give it antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial and antioxidant abilities.  It is mostly saturated fat, 92% with a small percentage being mono unsaturated and poly unsaturated.  Coconut oil is a healthy fat!

Here are just some of the great benefits attributed to coconut oil:

  • Weight loss
  • Heart disease
  • Immunity
  • Healing and infections
  • Digestion
  • Candida
  • Kidney stones
  • Liver disease
  • Diabetes
  • Stress
  • Bone loss
  • Tooth decay
  • Alzheimers
  • Hormone regulation

“Coconut oil has fewer calories than any other fat source. Unlike the high-calorie, cholesterol-soaked, long-chain, saturated animal fats found in meat and dairy products, coconut cream and coconut oil are made of raw saturated fats containing mostly medium-chain fatty acids that the body can metabolize efficiently and convert to energy quickly.”(Wolfe, 2009)

Coconut oil helps to regulate blood sugar and it’s one fat that diabetics can eat without fear.

Coconut oil is useful for bone and dental health because it improves calcium and magnesium absorption. So it’s good for your teeth (dental health).  It is especially beneficial if you’re at the age for developing osteoporosis.

When you order or purchase your coconut oil, look for:  organic-raw-extra virgin-cold pressed.

There is also coconut water, shredded coconut and coconut butter!

Add coconut oil to your household, you will not be sorry!