Reiki and the vibration of illness
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Reiki and the vibration of illness

Reiki and the vibration of illness

Reiki is a high vibration

I do reiki every morning and every night and even more when I start to feel sick to boost my immune system and raise my vibration.

Pain and illness in the body are generally worse because of  blocked energy pathways. When you run yourself down you risk vibrating at the frequency of being sick.

One of the goals of regular Reiki treatments is to strengthen the flow of energy by unblocking energy  pathways. You increase your body’s natural ability to fight illness and vibrate at a higher frequency so your body is healthy and strong.

When you can improve your emotional health, like decreasing stress and anxiety, you can improve your outlook and that will raise your vibration. 🙂 It’s so awesome that Reiki works at the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels. Balance is key to staying healthy.

Anytime you can get your body and mind to be in balance no matter what’s going on, you give your body the best chance possible to reset, recharge and heal itself.