Yummy Holiday Chocolate Treat
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Yummy Holiday Chocolate Treat

Yummy Holiday Chocolate Treat

Have you ever tried adding dates to your smoothies or sweet treats as a sweetener?  Dates have an impressive list of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are needed for overall well-being.  They are an excellent source of potassium, iron and are rich in dietary fiber too.  Pair that with the antioxidant health benefits of raw cacao and this sweet treat is a win-win!

Fudge Babies (recipe adapted from Elana’s Pantry)
1/2 cup Medjool dates, pitted
1 cup raw cashews
3 tablespoons raw cacao powder
1 tsp vanilla

Place dates, cashews, cacao powder and vanilla in a food processor. Pulse until smooth. Remove mixture from food processor and roll into little balls.
